Why Join?
The Antelope High School Parent Boosters (APB) is a non-profit club dedicated to supporting athletics and other after-school activities at Antelope High School through volunteerism, community involvement, and fund raising efforts. All APB proceeds go directly to funding programs, equipment purchases, and facility improvements at Antelope High School for the continuing development of competitive teams, academically successful student athletes, and school and community spirit.What Do the Boosters Do?
Through memberships, donation drives, snack bar, merchandise, and other fund raising efforts, Antelope Parent Boosters has been able to contribute annually towards academic scholarships, as well as equipment, uniforms and services to most of the High School’s athletic teams. Our role continues to expand to help maintain and improve the strong academic and sports tradition at Antelope High School.
Why not support all of the activities? Well, we can. It only takes a few volunteers to organize a sub-booster for any of the activities.
Do I have to join the Boosters to help and have fun?
No, you do not have to join. You can attend any Fundraising event and not be an APB member. You can support your child’s fundraising efforts and not be a member. You can donate equipment or purchase spirit packs and not be a member.
However, if you would like a say on how the funds are used, you need to be a member. If you would like your child considered for an APB Scholarship, you need to be a member. If you wish to help set the future success of APB, it sure helps if you are a member.
We appreciate your membership, but we love for you to support your child, and Antelope High School, in as many ways as possible – by ways of financial support and in volunteer support.
Join Us!
Pay for your membership or make a donation on our donations page.
Equally important is the donation of your time and efforts to the many activities Boosters supports throughout the school year. We can always use help with the following:
- Coordinate volunteers from each activity
- Organize any fundraising main event
- Running snack bars
- Fundraising activities
- Plan Sober Grad Night
- Scholarship review committee
Please contact us to ask where you can be of assistance.